Our Story

So, the whole thing kicked off with this high school reunion cruise. We were in the mood to turn it into something legendary. So, what did we do? Well, we went on Amazon and got our hands on a couple of those cheap portable urinals. And that's when the crazy idea hit us – let's slap some military stickers on these bad boys and see what happens. Voila! The concept was born: the ultimate beer-drinking contraption!

We let our inner absurdity run wild and mixed in a bit of creativity. The result? The masterpiece known as the URN8TOR GOLD. I mean, this thing had a design that was off-the-charts ridiculous, and the best part was that it could hold an insane amount of liquid. You can just imagine the buzz it created on the ship. Laughter filled the air as folks gazed upon this wonder that was practically begging to kick off a party.

But here's the kicker – the response we got was beyond anything we expected. It was like a thunderclap of positivity. So, what did we do? We took that energy and decided to make something out of it. That's how URN8TOR GOLD came to life. Our mission? Crafting drinking vessels that inspire laughter all while giving back to our hero veterans. And let me tell you, each creation we come up with is a labor of love. The perfect addition to any bash or an unforgettable gag gift.

So, let's raise our glasses to the birth of URN8TOR GOLD – the little spark that ignites uproarious celebrations all over the place! 

Cheers to embracing the absurdity of it all!