Keep it Classy

Urine Good Company

Unleash laughter and functionality with this uproarious multipurpose drinking vessel that doubles as a hand-held urinal. Whether you're toasting to life's celebrations or navigating nature's call, the URN8TOR GOLD has you covered. Embrace the unexpected and sip on humor with every gulp – a must-have for the bold and the brave!

To Pee or Not to Pee…

Double the laughter, double the functionality – that's the golden rule with the URN8TOR GOLD! Need a chuckle companion for your sips? Check. Craving a hilarious way to conquer nature's call? Check. With two URN8TOR GOLDs in hand, you're the commander of convenience, the guru of gallantry, and the wizard of whimsy. So, why buy one when you can double the laughter, double the adventure, and double the ultimate in multitasking glory? The URN8TOR GOLD: because sips and relief should always be a dynamic duo! Get ready to raise a glass and raise an eyebrow – the URN8TOR GOLD is here to make every moment twice as hilarious and twice as legendary!

Golden Rules

Listen up! No sippin’ and tinklin’ in the same URN8TOR GOLD jug – that's a big no-no. Scrub it clean with warm, soapy love before and after each use. Saunas, microwaves, ovens and heat are off-limits. Treat it gently – hands only, no dishwashers. Keep it cool - keep it classy!